EP 10: REVEALED: Here's the tea on what contractions REALLY feels like.


REVEALED: Here's the tea on what contractions REALLY feels like.

Warning: This episode is juicy. 

And when I say juicy, I mean jam-packed with labor strategies that you can use to boost your labor comfort when dealing with contractions in a really big way. 

In fact, this is the exact information and strategies that I wish I would've had - not to mention it's exactly what I teach my beloved clients...and let me tell you, this episode is legit fire.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I like to talk about childbirth in a way that is practical and easy to understand.

In this episode, you’re going to get all the strategic details on contractions – down to the why, the how, and what comfort measures to use that'll help ease labor pains for birthing success.

What you’re about to hear will inform you to have a wildly successful childbirth experience – Scout’s Honor!


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EP 7: Do This to Combat Pregnancy Fatigue


It’s normal to feel fatigued and even exhausted during the first months of pregnancy. 

Fatigue, even extreme fatigue, is an early sign of pregnancy that nearly all women experience in the first trimester. 

It’s also very normal in the third trimester, affecting an estimated 60 percent of all pregnant women.

Fatigue is officially considered a constant lack of energy. During pregnancy, you might feel like you can’t get up in the morning or can’t wait to hit the sack as soon as you get home in the evening. Or you may feel like you’re just dragging and sluggish.

In today's episode you'll learn:

- What pregnancy is and what it can look like for you

-What causes pregnancy fatigue

-6 key strategies to help you combat pregnancy fatigue in early pregnancy.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about what you should do to combat pregnancy fatigue pop in those earbuds and give this episode a listen. I promise,...

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EP 5: SKIN-TO-SKIN: 5 Reasons Why It's A No Brainer


The benefits of skin-to-skin that make doing it an easy YES!

In a world where everything seems to be out of your control, here is something that is: 

Doing skin-to-skin.

Not only is it in your control, but it's also full of benefits and easy to do.

You've likely heard of this technique since it's been around for quite some time. Yet, you may not be fully aware of WHY it's such a good thing to do.

Well today's episode is packed full of reasons why choosing to make this a priority should be a no brainer.

Thanks for your support.

Happy Birthing!


As always, thank you so much for tuning in to my channel.


3 Mistakes Pregnant Moms Make When Preparing for Their First Birth (+ what to do instead)

Prepare for your first hospital birth with a stress-free birth blueprint in 6 weeks!



How To Skyrocket Your Milk Supply (...from birth and beyond) ...

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Ep 4: 3 Reasons Why Birth Plans DON'T Work


You may be wondering....

 Do I really need a birth plan?

 Yes, yes. and yaaaaassss!
Trust me on this. When done right, having a birth plan can mean the difference between having a positive birth experience...or not.
In today's episode I talk about the 3 reasons why birth plans don't work.
Here's what you'll learn:
  • How your birth plan can help you advocate your birth preferences to medical staff.
  • What makes a birth plan effective.
  • How a birth plan can get you one step closer to a positive birth experience.

If you want the dibs on how to avoid creating a birth plan that DOESN'T work - this episode is for you.

Happy Birthing!


 As always, thank you so much for tuning in to the Oh Baybee! Podcast Let me know how you liked the podcast and if the episode and tag me (@birthprepacademy) so I can repost! 

3 Mistakes Pregnant Moms Make When Preparing for Their First Birth (+ what...

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Ep 1: The 3 Things You Need To Avoid in Early Pregnancy



From how to nourish yourself to simple selfcare, here's what you need to know.

You just found out, you're pregnant. It's been a world wind ever since. It's no wonder you're feeling nervous.

Not only is it hard to get use to the idea of growing a baby inside of your tummy but figuring out what to do next can be very scary.

Believe me, I've been there. I remember being happy, nervous and overwhelmed all at once.

Luckily, you have The Oh Baybee! Podcast. Inside this episode I'll give you a head's up on what you should AVOID along your pregnancy journey.

So, if you have ever been curious about early pregnancy or you're ready to create habits to sustain your new role as mom, press play on this episode!

Happy Birthing!


 As always, thank you so much for tuning in to the Oh Baybee! Podcast Let me know how you liked the podcast and if the episode and tag me (@birthprepacademy) so I can repost! 

3 Mistakes...

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Ep 2: The #1 Purpose of a Birth Plan


 People ask me, "Stephanie, what is the purpose of a birth plan?"

Simply put - the purpose of a birth plan is to support you during labor, birth and postpartum so that you are more likely to have a positive birth experience of your choosing.

Now, there are a lot of benefits that stem from having a birth plan and being prepared (which we'll get into in this episode)

But when we get down to business, having a birth plan allows you the privilege to have "birth happen through you and not to you."

In this Oh Baybee! Episode you'll learn:

  • How a birth plan will improve the communication with your health provider and healthcare staff
  • Why planning will increase your chance of having a positive birth experience
  • How your plan will help you advocate for yourself and your baby

Having an effective birth plan may seem insignificant but trust me - (when done well) you'll have a positive birth memory that will last a lifetime.

Happy Birthing!


 As always,...

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Ep 3: The Top 3 Things First Time Moms Need to know BEFORE Birth



Before you make any decisions regarding your pregnancy...

There're some things you need to consider.
While pregnancy is a true miracle, there are a few things that if handled correctly will make your pregnancy, birth and postpartum a breeze.
...Okay, maybe not a breeze. But there are a few things that you can avoid making things easier while boosting your mind, body and overall well-being.
Tune in to hear the 3 THINGS You Need to Know BEFORE Birth. Enjoy!
As always, thank you so much for tuning in to the Oh Baybee! Podcast Let me know how you liked the podcast and if the episode and tag me (@birthprepacademy) so I can repost! 

3 Mistakes Pregnant Moms Make When Preparing for Their First Birth (+ what to do instead)

Prepare for your first hospital birth with a stress-free birth blueprint in 6 weeks!

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Ep 6: 3 Ways First Time Moms Use Birth Plans To Their Advantage


How your birth plan will help you decrease overwhelm and increase confidence

Most women struggle with their transition into motherhood.

  • Researchers found that during pregnancy, 1 out of 2 pregnant moms admitted that they were nervous and scared of becoming a mother
  • 1-in-4 said they were completely daunted by motherhood
  • More than half of the women polled during pregnancy admitted to being overwhelmed after they gave birth

As a matter of fact, 57% said that the first few weeks and months after giving birth was a bit of a blur.

I'm here with good news:

Women who have a birth plan are more likely to have a positive birth experience as well as a simple and more comfortable transition into motherhood.

Tune in to this episode to hear how successful mothers use a birth plan to their advantage.

Happy Birthing!



3 Mistakes Pregnant Moms Make When Preparing for Their First Birth (+ what to do instead)


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Ep 8: Breastfeeding...Does It Really Matter?

Why breastfeeding is not only's vital!

Close your eyes and imagine this super dreamy scenario:

You're on your way to the hospital excited that you're about to give birth.

You've decided to breastfeed your baby. You understand that it is the optimal choice.

You feel 100% prepared because you know exactly what’s expected of you.

You have all of the information you need to be successful at your fingertips.

You cruise through each task effortlessly,

Your jumpstart into breastfeeding is successful.

This is not some sort of weird alternate universe. In fact, this exact breastfeeding plan is easily achievable.

Yes, sweet friend.  However, it all starts with understanding why breastfeeding matters.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about why breastfeeding matters, pop in those earbuds and give this episode a listen. I promise, you’ll thank me later.

Happy Birthing!


 As always, thank you so much for tuning in to the Oh Baybee!...

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Common Pregnancy and New Mom Myths BUSTED!!!

Common Pregnancy and New Mom Myths BUSTED!!!

Tune in today to discuss common myth surrounding pregnancy and motherhood.

Posted by Mommy Learning Academy on Friday, September 4, 2020
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Get Your FREE Guide To Skyrocket Your Milk Supply...from birth and beyond!

This FREE cheat sheet will walk you through 3 evidence-based strategies to boost your breastfeeding confidence and increase your milk supply.