EP 37: Stages of Labor: What Every First-Time Mom Should Know


I’m sure you’ve got a million questions swirling around your head about what to expect when labor starts.

 Trust me, I get it. Labor can feel like a huge mystery—especially when you’ve never experienced it before. But guess what? You’ve got this!

Today, we’re breaking down the stages of labor, so you know what’s coming, how to handle it, and how to feel prepared every step of the way. This isn’t just about getting through it—this is about owning your birth experience!

The Importance of Understanding the Stages of Labor

Why should you know about the stages of labor? Simple, knowing what to expect helps you feel more in control, less fearful, and super empowered. When you can identify what’s happening with your body, you can make better decisions, respond to your body’s signals, and maybe even find some zen in the chaos. 

Stage 1: Early Labor (Latent Phase)

In early labor, your body is warming up for the main event. The cervix is starting to dilate and thin out. You might feel some light, irregular contractions, backaches, or even lose your mucus plug (it’s just as delightful as it sounds, lol).

What to Do in Early Labor:

  • Stay calm, mama! Early labor can last hours—sometimes even days—so this is your time to relax, hydrate, and snack on some light foods to keep your energy up.
  • Try to rest when you can. Your body is doing some serious work, but you’ve got to save your strength for later.

Pro Tip: Keep your phone handy, but don’t focus too much on timing those early contractions just yet.

Stage 1: Active Labor

Here’s where things pick up. Your contractions will be stronger, longer, and more regular. You’ll feel them every 3-5 minutes, lasting about 45-60 seconds. Your cervix is dilating faster, around 4-7 centimeters.

Signs It’s Time to Go to the Hospital or Birth Center:

  • When your contractions are regular and intense.
  • You’re having difficulty walking or talking through them.

How to Cope:

  • Try changing positions, use a birthing ball, or hop into a warm shower or bath.
  • Use breathing techniques and vocalization to ride those waves.

Stage 1: Transition

This is the grand finale of labor’s first stage—the most intense but also the shortest. You’ll be dilating from 8 to 10 centimeters, and contractions will hit hard every 2-3 minutes. You might feel super emotional or doubt yourself here, but you are so close!

How to Get Through Transition:

  • Focus on your breathing, let out some moans (seriously, it helps), and lean on your support team.
  • Just remember, this is the hardest part, but it’s also the shortest! And it means your baby is almost here. 🎉

Stage 2: Pushing and Delivery

Your cervix is fully dilated, and now it’s time to meet your baby! You might feel an overwhelming urge to push, and soon you’ll see that beautiful little head crowning.

Tips for Pushing:

  • Listen to your body. Some women like to push instinctively (spontaneous pushing), while others need a bit of guidance (directed pushing).
  • Try different positions like squatting, hands-and-knees, or side-lying to make the pushing process smoother.

What to Expect: When your baby’s head starts to crown, you’ll feel some serious pressure (often called the "ring of fire"). But the moment you meet your baby, all that intensity will melt away. 💕

Stage 3: Delivery of the Placenta

You’ve met your baby, but there’s one more step—delivering the placenta. This usually happens within 5-30 minutes after the baby is born. The good news? It’s way easier than pushing out a baby!

What to Expect: You’ll feel mild contractions and might need to push one more time, but the process is much less intense.

Bonus Tip: Now’s the perfect time for skin-to-skin bonding with your baby. It’s such a magical moment for both of you!

Emotional and Physical Changes in Each Stage

Labor is intense emotionally and physically. You might start out feeling excited and then shift to doubt during transition. This is totally normal! Let yourself feel all the emotions.

Physically, your body is going through serious hormonal changes that help you cope with pain and prepare you to meet your baby. Trust your body—it knows what to do.

Tips for Partners and Support People

Birth is a team effort! Partners and support people can offer comfort by staying calm, providing encouragement, and helping with things like hydration and massage. Your role is so important in keeping the birthing person focused and grounded.

When to Seek Help

While labor is usually straightforward, there are times when medical help is needed. Watch for things like heavy bleeding, a prolonged labor, or concerns about the baby’s heart rate. Never hesitate to speak up if you feel something isn’t right. 

There you have it—the stages of labor, broken down in a way that (hopefully) makes you feel ready and excited to meet your baby! Labor isn’t something to fear, and with a little knowledge and preparation, you can feel confident walking into your birth experience.

If you’re feeling pumped and ready to learn even more, grab my Bump to Bundle Blueprint—it’s packed with everything you need to feel totally prepared for birth and breastfeeding. Click the link and start getting ready for the most empowering experience of your life! 💛


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Links mentioned in this episode:

 3 Mistakes Pregnant Moms Make When Preparing for Their First Birth (+ what to do instead)

Prepare for your first hospital birth with a stress-free birth blueprint in 6 weeks!


How To Skyrocket Your Milk Supply (...from birth and beyond)


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