EP 35: 4 BIG Reasons Why First Time Moms STOP Breastfeeding

 Are you pregnant and feeling anxious about breastfeeding?

Maybe you’re worried about low milk supply or latching issues—two of the most common concerns for new moms. If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place! As a certified lactation consultant and doula, I help pregnant women, just like you, prepare for their breastfeeding journey even before the baby arrives. Today, we're diving into the two most common breastfeeding challenges and, more importantly, how to overcome them.

The Supply Dilemma: Why It’s Demand and Supply

One of the biggest concerns I hear from new moms, especially if you're pregnant and preparing for breastfeeding, is the fear of not making enough milk. I hear it day in and day out: "I don’t think I’m making enough milk." Let me clear this up: breastfeeding works on demand and supply. You demand milk by feeding your baby frequently, and your body responds by supplying that milk. It’s not the other way around.

The more your baby nurses, the more milk your body will make. Every time your baby drains your breast, it sends a signal to your body to start making more. Your body is an amazing factory that produces milk on demand! So, in those first crucial hours, days, and weeks, frequent breastfeeding is key to establishing a healthy milk supply.

💡 Pro Tip: Aim to feed your baby or pump at least eight times in a 24-hour period to signal your body to keep producing.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Your body has just done the incredible work of growing and birthing a baby, and now it needs nourishment to recover and provide milk. If you’re not staying hydrated or eating enough nutritious food, it will be challenging for your body to make milk.

I know many new moms are eager to get back to their pre-pregnancy body, but it’s important to give yourself grace. Severely restricting calories or hydration can negatively impact your milk supply. Remember, you’re not just nourishing yourself—you’re feeding your baby too.

Avoid Supplementing Too Early

It’s tempting to supplement with formula when you’re worried about your baby’s hunger, but doing so can actually slow down your milk production. In the early days, your baby’s tummy is tiny and doesn’t need much milk to feel satisfied. Even a few milliliters of milk is enough to keep your baby content.

When you supplement with formula too soon, you’re skipping the crucial step of signaling your body to produce more milk. Stick with breastfeeding or pumping in those first few days to get your milk supply up and running.

Latching: The Second Biggest Hurdle

The second most common breastfeeding issue I see with new moms is trouble with latching. It’s frustrating, and when your hormones are all over the place postpartum, it can feel like you’re failing. But I promise, you’re not!

Positioning is key when it comes to getting a good latch. Your baby’s head, neck, and body should all be in alignment, tummy-to-tummy with you. They need to take in not just your nipple, but also a good portion of your areola. A shallow latch can lead to sore nipples, pain, and frustration for both you and your baby.

If your latch isn’t right, take a deep breath, unlatch your baby, and try again. Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful. If it is, there’s likely an issue with the latch.

Ready to Jumpstart Your Breastfeeding Journey?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry—I’ve got you! I’ve created an in-depth course called “Teach Me How to Breastfeed” to guide you step-by-step through the entire breastfeeding process. This course is packed with helpful tips, videos, and expert advice to help you feel confident and empowered.

You don’t have to go through this journey alone. Check out the course here and let me walk you through everything you need to know for a successful breastfeeding experience!

If you found this blog post helpful, be sure to subscribe to my podcast “The Oh Baybee!” where I talk all about motherhood, breastfeeding, and more. And don’t forget to share this with other pregnant moms who might be feeling anxious about breastfeeding.

Happy birthing and happy breastfeeding! 💛

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Links mentioned in this episode:


How To Skyrocket Your Milk Supply (...from birth and beyond)


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Get Your FREE Guide To Skyrocket Your Milk Supply...from birth and beyond!

This FREE cheat sheet will walk you through 3 evidence-based strategies to boost your breastfeeding confidence and increase your milk supply.